Thursday, January 29, 2015


Experience, the one thing that made me who I am today. Alhamdulillah.

I absolutely cherish my week experience in SAS, as it taught me to appreciate my family more. Each and every one of them.

I cherish the friendships I had in school. I love how we are still in touch with each other until today. InshaAllah, I want to organize a reunion one day. A big one.

I cherish the push my teachers gave me in school in Form 5. Without that, I won't be able to get a B for my co-curriculum. And with that being, I may not be where I am today.

I cherish my bffs in PASUM. Love them to bits. I really had the time of my life with them. They were my pillar of strength when I was in my foundation.

I cherish my teachers in school, for building the foundation which I stand on today. Without the strong foundation, I would crumble anytime.

I cherish the people around me. The ones supporting me through ups and downs.

To that I say.


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