Sunday, April 28, 2013


Erm, I just wanna post something about this MyBrainSc Scholarship. Since I dunno what to post about. Hahaha. Bosan tahap gaban cuti. Lol. Lagi 4 bulan bro cuti. Lama lagi. Hehehe. Best best.

So a friend buzzed me about the some kind of Ujian Kecenderungan for this scholarship. I didn't even remembered that I applied for this scholarship. So I checked my application status, and Alhamdulillah, I'm selected for the test.

Fuhh, haha, dah lupa langsung pasal benda ni. Oh well, I might as well just go for it. I mean, rezeki kot benda ni. Tak elok pulak kalau tolak. So that's it, my test's in on the 4th of May, so yeah. Gotta call the KPT people for verification before I start the test. Well, whatever. Buat je la kot kan? Mana tahu ni rezeki aku.

Wish me luck guys!

Till then,
Ciao XD


  1. Replies
    1. thanks. and good luck to u too. In Shaa Allah, dpt pasum tu. btw, pasum best gila! if given the chance, i would like to re-live the life in pasum. minus the classes of course. haha.
