I'm like, super busy right now. Last week banyak jugak lecture. Hari Rabu ada one extra hour untuk vector. Which was really uncool because lecture patutnya habis pukul 4 but then kena extend. Memang pening kepala la 2 jam straight vector. -.-
Erm, minggu ni dapat berlambak tutorial. Vector dah tutorial 3 dah pun hahaha. Subjek lain baru dapat tutorial 1. Soalan semua macam susah gila kot. And gila ah, dah lama kot tak rasa stress bila jawab soalan latihan. Rasa nak jerit bila tak dapat jawapan. Especially Basic Physics 1.
Annoying gila okay Physics punya topic vector. I mean, lecturer tak terangkan what method should be used to do this and that but suddenly bagi soalan pecah otak punya. Rasa cam nak menjerit serius tak tipu. Reference book macam takda guna terutamanya Physics and Maths. :(
Next week dapat jadual baru yang akan kekal for the whole semester. Damn, dah nak start tutorial classes and labs. Mesti cam penat gila. My one hope is that Jumaat jangan ada kelas petang. Senang la aku nak balik hahaha. Kalau ada kelas petang kena balik malam which is a no no.
That's it for now. Sedar tak sedar, dah tiga minggu aku duduk kat PASUM. So far Alhamdulillah, life kat sini bolehlah. Lecture semua boleh ikut, Basic Physics 1 je yang macam problem sikit. Whatever it is, I still love Chemistry and I hope this feeling will last till the next year.
P/S : I'm still unsure about my future. But for now, my aim is just to score 4 flat first. InsyaAllah, kalau ada rezeki I'm going to further my studies in UM. :) If not, UKM, UPM or UiTM sounds very interesting. ;)
Till then,
Ciao XD
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