Fuhhh, dah lama tak update. Finally I've the chance to update this blog of mine. I've been busy with lectures, tutorials, labs, test and studying for the past few weeks. Yelah, exam Final dah dekat, nak taknak, kena jugak la study. Kalau ikutkan hati, memang malas nak study, but I've to. :)
So my final exam will start on the 22nd of October, which is approximately two weeks from now. Scared as heck. Aku target nak Chemical Engineering, and aku nak UM. So I've to strive for 4 flat. Sebab lecturer Vector aku ada cakap, Chem Engineering UM hanya ambik student 4 flat, so memang tak la kalau 3.5 camtu je an. Haih.
My first paper will be Algebra and Geometry. But I believe it should be named Algebra, Trigonometry and Geometry since tu yang memang aku belajar dalam subjek tu. Susah jugak. But all I can do now is study the tutorials and past years. :D
That's all I guess, nak chill jap. Malam nak study. :)
A year from now, Chemical Engineering UM insyaAllah. But then, kalau tak dapat, aku akan anggap takde rezeki. Nak buat macam mana. I'll then strive for a first class degree. InsyaAllah.
Till then,
Ciao XD
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